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Stresses during lifting when vessel is inerted

It would be useful to add the verification of the stresses during lifting when the equipment is inerted with nitrogen at 0.5 barg (or with another gas at another pressure). The temperature could be also selected (room or higher temperature). The e...
Guest 7 days ago in  0 Needs review

Use of EN 1991 code with British National Annex (BS EN 1991) in Wind Code Selection

When selecting the wind code in Autopipe Vessel v45.00.02.004, it is not possible to select the EN 1991 code with British National Annex (BS EN 1991), but there is only an option to select the EN 1991 code. The British national annex provides ...
Guest about 2 months ago in  0 Needs review

Body Flange Thickness (g0) Vs Shell thickness - Vs Allowable values

When we have a bogy flanged implemented in a cylindrical shell we need to define a thickness for shell and a thickness for flange (g0). Normally the both thickness are the same and the software only take into account the shell value for internal p...
António Pinho about 1 month ago in  0 Needs review

Extreme fiber elongation ratio - For dished ends

The Software calculate the fiber elongation according ASME SECTION VIII division 1 according UG-79. The term “t” is the nominal thickness for the component. For dished end it is only possible insert the minimum thickness and the calculation of the...
António Pinho about 1 month ago in  0 Needs review

Partial penetration welded nozzle

Currently only full penetration welded nozzle can be designed, this feature will enable users to design and perform nozzle opening reinforcement calculations for partial penetration nozzle weld.
Sudip Ganguly 4 months ago in  0 Needs review

API 579 Fitness for Service (FFS)

Implement FFS as per API 579. Parts of API 579 include: 1 – Introduction 2 – FFS Engineering Evaluation Procedure 3 – Brittle Fracture 4 – General Metal Loss 5 – Localized Metal Loss 6 – Pitting Corrosion 7 – Blisters, HIC, and SOHIC Damage ...
Sudip Ganguly 8 months ago in  0 Needs review

Expansion Bellows - Option to choose the "as formed" and "Annealed" bellows

Need to add an option to consider "as formed" and "annealed" bellow This will impact on following parameters and user can choose as per their requirements, ASME Km & Kg factor ASME factor 2.3 or 0.75 for Sy* EJMA Cm factor
Tanaji Gaikwad 6 months ago in  0 Needs review

API 650 - Insert Combination Factor for Internal and External Pressure

Allow the user to inser the combinaton fator for internal pressure (Fp) and the combination factor for external pressure (Fpe) as refered in API 650 paragraph 5.2.2.
António Pinho 3 months ago in  0 Needs review

Flat ends of non-circular or annular shape

Design non circular flanges according EN 13445-4 clause 10.7.
António Pinho 3 months ago in  0 Needs review

Parameters for skirt design in EN13445 (and CODAP)

Please add the possibility to enter the values lt, ht and eat according to EN13445 16.12.4 for the design of skirt. In my attached file, when changing lt to 179.7 mm and eat to 7.7 mm, the formula (16.12-70) is now verified without changing the sk...
Guest 4 months ago in  0 Needs review