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Platform for Horizontal Vessels

Currently we can only add platform on vertical vessels. Please consider platform on horizontal vessels as well.
Tanaji Gaikwad 11 months ago in  0 Future consideration

report generation with word or pdf instead of rtf

I think several autopipe vessel users have encountered this problem: the RTF file takes a long time to open the RTF file is heavy to load to launch a calculation it is necessary to close the RTF file (in this case me I want to look at the rep...
Guest about 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration

Thickness required for infternal pressure - each component

Add a dialog box to see the required thickness for internal pressure for each component based on temperature and internal pressure. It is applicable for heads, shell, nozzle necks, body flanges - Like picture enclosed.
António Pinho 11 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Transport saddles calculation for vertical vessels

Add saddles for transport on vertical vessels. Calculation should be similar to horizontal vessel on saddles, but with transportation loads. This will eliminate need for an additional model for transport. Transport will be part of report and will ...
Guest about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Add a Bolted Domed end

Possibility to add a Bolted Domed end according EN 13445.3 clause 12
António Pinho 11 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Lifting accesoires: handled independently.

They appear in the list of components, the 2D and 3D view. Local loads for them can be checked in Design Component. Their welds appear in the weld map.
Vivianne Genin about 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration

Elastic Modulus considered for EN 13445-3 should be as per Design temperature

While designing heat exchanger as per EN 13445-3, AutoPIPE Vessel is considering elastic modulus at mean metal temperature but elastic modulus values should be taken at design design temperature. Refer attached snap.
Tanaji Gaikwad about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration


Just as you can include flanges (EN-DIN-ASME) in the connections, include CLAMP connections (ASME BPE - DIN32676) that are very common in the pharmaceutical industry.
Guest about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Load Combinations -seismic and wind load factors should be adjustable by user

Factors multiplying the wind and seismic loads need to be adjustable by user. Example below in red box shows Load combinations for wind load. Currently this combination is hardcoded in the program.
Sudip Ganguly about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Component stress factor and thickness summary table in main UI

A summary table will be presented in the main user interface which will list the components (like shell, head, nozzle, cone body flange etc.) along with the corresponding calculated stresses, allowable stresses, calculated minimum required thickne...
Sudip Ganguly about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration