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AutoPIPE Vessel

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API 620 design for storage tanks

API 620 design for storage tanks
Sudip Ganguly 5 months ago in  0 Needs review

Floating roof modeling and design for storage tanks

Floating roof modeling and design for storage tanks
Sudip Ganguly 5 months ago in  0 Needs review

Noncircular (eg. rectangular) cross section pressure vessel (Appendix 13, ASME Sec VIII Div 1)

Sudip Ganguly 8 months ago in  0 Needs review

Jacket Closure calculation according to ASME VIII Div1 appendixe 9

We have noticed that the software systematically considers all jackets as type 2 in the jacket closure calculation following ASME VIII -Appendixe 9
Guest 10 months ago in  0 Needs review

API 650 storage tank code update - 13th Edition, 2020

No description provided
Sudip Ganguly 10 months ago in  0 Needs review

Do not display the "Equivalent beam model" paragraph in the calculation report (wind, earthquake, ... calculations)

It would be useful for users to have the option of not displaying the “Detailed characteristics of the equivalent beam model” paragraph in the calculation report when a wind/seismic analysis is performed. Indeed, in "Vessel properties", tab "Repor...
Guest 10 months ago in  0 Needs review

Design of butt-welded nozzle

Please add the possibility to design the attached nozzle. I regularly have this kind of model and the fatigue analysis is not possible in APV.
Guest 6 months ago in  0 Needs review

Fatigue in ASME VIII Div.1

Please add the possibility to perform a fatigue analysis directly in ASME VII Div.1 without choosing Div.2. When I choose Div.2, all the calculations and the allowable stresses are of course different.
Guest 6 months ago in  0 Needs review

Updating API650

Please can we update the API 650 calculations as well as the user interface. Africa is booming in storage of petroleum. This means we need API 650 more and more here. AutoPIPE can have the edge here compared to other softwares. We can use it as a ...
Tristan Northing 9 months ago in  0 Needs review

Lifting accessories – Vertical columns

For vertical vessels I suggest to add a field to add a material for lugs on top o f the vessel and also another field to selected the material for lugs on bottom skirt (tailing lug). It is very common to have columns in for exempla stainless steel...
António Pinho 12 months ago in  0 Needs review